September 13, 2009

Finished Something!!

Haven't completely finished a drawing/artwork in a while now, so it's a good feeling when it's finally done :)
Drawn on tan mountboard then inked in various colours with Sakura Micron pens. Coloured with coloured pencil. The full size image is actually a little smaller than the work itself which measures 9.7cm x 15cm.
Sorry about the watermarks, this one's going up for sale (without the watermarks of course).


September 4, 2009

Updated Serpentine Girl Sketch

Just an update on one of the sketches from my previous post.
I'd say this one's about ready to be inked now. :)

Click on the image for a close-up, there's a lot of detail in there.

September 2, 2009

High Tea at Tea and Niceties

My first high tea!
Had a very nice time with a friend at Tea and Niceties, on Tamborine Mt, a short walk away from my house (we drove).
It was a very 'proper' experience and after we got over the uncertainty of exactly how we were supposed to behave in such a dainty place, we enjoyed lovely tea and edibles and conversation.
All those little sandwiches and cakes, though they may look small, are incredibly filling. Not to mention, delicious. :D

Also, I've never seen so much pink in one room before.


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