November 29, 2009

Entries to ... something

Sketch and preview of a pic I've been working on for a competition of sorts.
Also part of an in progress series of images.

November 16, 2009

The Great Origami Giveaway @ The Paper Place

Like I wouldn't blog about this!
The Paper Place is having a brilliant give-away of a mountain of origami paper.

Clicking on the picture takes you to the competition post.

Anyone who knows me knows my passion for anything washi related at all, so of course I'm entering this one. XD
Head on over there to join in!


November 2, 2009

Happy 60th Birthday, Mum!

Today is my mother's 60th birthday, a milestone in my eyes. I certainly hope I'm as lively and youthful as she is now when I turn 60!
I bought her a lovely herbal foot spa with river stones (she'll be indulging in that tonight) and I also made her this book with materials I knew she'd love (turquoise silk for the spine, which I paper backed, and a lovely metallic patterned paper she went gaga over when I first bought it ^^).
The pages are a lovely, cream coloured cotton paper with a delicate texture, really nice to write/doodle in.
She was very very impressed with it, she initially thought I'd bought it somewhere! When I told her I'd made it she started tearing up, it was so sweet :) I'm just very happy she liked it.


Gift wrapped with love and ready to go!


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