December 26, 2009

Free People 2009 Holiday Craft Swap

I'm putting this up now as i'm pretty sure it's been long enough and my parcel has probably reached it's destination by now.
I sent this out on the 8th of December as I finished it pretty quick.
A little pamphlet book in pretty butterfly paper.
I had it all wrapped up and ready to go when I suddenly realised I hadn't taken any photos! XD
So this is what I managed to grab.
Hope my recipient liked it.

December 21, 2009


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Testing out something new.

Also, now that I am on break from one of my jobs, I'm catching up on making some presents (yes I'm a little behind).

If I don't get a chance to say it later, have a safe, happy and fun Christmas with all the family shenanigans and present opening and trimmings that apply!
Much love. <3


December 10, 2009

Crafting on the Job

These days, I don't take my laptop to work with me very much anymore, not so much due to lack of time to use it, but more so because I've become a little obsessed with making cards and soft cover books. I rarely get much time after work to make any so in quiet times at work, I unpack the crafting goodies and set to work.

One thing working in this fashion has taught me is how to work faster; I get more binding and crafting and drawing done for the 8 hours I'm 'on the clock' than I do any other time of the day/week. :)
It's a good thing I'm part owner of the business I work at lol.


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