April 20, 2009

PE drawing and STILL NO LAPTOP

Since having to go back to natural media lately i've been picking up things I haven't used in forever, thus the rustiness.
It's nice using inks again. :D

This was a picture done for a character exchange.
I had to draw their character, Nian, as merman/aquatic creature person, heheh much fun.

And a detail shot for those so inclined ^_^ :

Character is (C) it's respective owner
Images (C)2009 V.Silva/Veronica Silva/Albyon/whatever other name I decide to use :D

1 comment:

  1. Omg it took forever to load this page (net past it's quota :\). But that looks awesome! Nice lines, and the snakey part has a good silhouette The marvellous things people can do without computers.


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