December 9, 2010

Snapshots of Current Works in Progress

Here are a few updated 'snapshots' of what I'm currently working on. :)

Some of these you might have already seen early versions of, here or on my other (now defunct) blog.

All vectors, of course. I'm completely and utterly hooked.


December 4, 2010

Unexpected DD

Now there's something I never expected to get! lol

This image got a Daily Deviation on DeviantArt. Came as a complete surprise as I certainly didn't see that particularly image as something deserving ^_^'
Freaked me out the first time I logged back into my DA account to find more than the handful of comments this time, I wasn't sure what was happening! lol (still kind of freaky watching the numbers change real time O_o)

Anyway, just thought I'd share since this made me ludicrously happy :3
It's funny, I was on my old DA account for over 8 years and never had a single DD, then 7 months into my new account with a completely different style and there you go. Not sure whether that annoys me or not yet lol.

Still, I'm grateful to the people that suggested and featured it for a DD, it brightened an otherwise pretty crappy Saturday.


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