March 13, 2012

Matisse, Kusama and Not Getting the Photo

A short while ago I made a trip down to the QLD Art Gallery, followed by the Gallery Of Modern Art in South Brisbane.
I had a whole bunch of ideas about this post, photos, information about the artists I saw etc etc.
Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and when I went to use my camera phone instead, I was told off by the overworked looking gallery staff :/
So here's all I got.

Taken covertly at the QAG when gallery staff weren't looking.

Only photo taken of the Yayoi Kusama exhibit (because I wasn't allowed to take photos of the Matisse exhibit, which was wonderful, by the way).
 Yayoi's exhibit was an amazing explosion of colour and installation that you really should see. I walked through her vibrant exhibition with a smile on my face and my mind ticking over with thoughts on consumerism, interactive art and what art is today. Great stuff.
She's 80+ years old and still making beautiful art.
For those interested:


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