July 22, 2009

ACEO craftiness

Just a couple of little ACEO's I finished recently. ^_^
Text is crossposted from my Flickr.

TinyBook ACEO
A tiny (fits in the palm of my hand) coptic bound book with navy blue covers, pearlescent pages and gold and red plum blossom flowers on the cover (you can't really see it in the photo but the paper is high gloss and metallic). The book is bound with red cotton perle thread and the wrap around is hand-braided threads. The card stock is a lovely orange with navy flecks on one side and navy blue on the other; the same material used in the covers for the book.
The book is held in place my another piece of card that slots through the front of the atc to the back. Another card was added with heart shaped brads to cover the slotted card and neaten things up :) The little book is fully removable if desired. This photo shows the booklet free of the card.

Will be up in my Artfire store soon.

Gemstone in my Pocket ACEO
Tiny hand-sewn pouch with yellow thread and a tiny red bead hanging from a corner. The little pouch is made of magenta floral cotton and the same fabric was used as backing for the cutout of the flower on the card itself. The pouch holds a silver backed rhinestone. The base of the card is scrapbook paper in a light green.

Not sure what i'm going to do with this one yet, maybe swap, maybe sell, maybe raffle, we'll see. ;)

ACEO's are fun! XD


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