August 30, 2009

Ink Works in Progress

Better late then never ^^

I've been doing more bookbinding then drawing lately but here's a few works in progress I'm slowly chipping away at.
Mainly during work, of course.

Both are drawn with Sakura Micron pens. <3
Ink washes to come.


August 18, 2009

Gold and Girl Book - a quick preview

Latest book I've been working on.
This one took me a little longer due to the drawing I added to the cover.

Do take a look at the full size image (click on it) for better detail.

The book is soft card cover with a reinforcement of a secondary inside cover of gold paper, same paper used for the cover drawing. The pages are thick, off-white paper, bordering on cardstock; really nice to draw or write on.
The book will come in a silk case, once I get it done lol.

The drawing itself was done in sepia pen which I moved around with a detail brush and a little water, to get that watercolour effect. Highlights were added in opaque white pencil.

Unfortunately, pearly gold paper doesn't photograph very well. Click to enlarge for a better view.


August 6, 2009

Elle Portrait Sketch

Portrait of another character from Felicien's storyline, Elle.
She's a follower of the Gothic Lolita fashion. ;D

A few basic stats:
Name: Elle
Age: 18
Hair colour: naturally light brown, dyed black and white and pink
Eye colour: blue
Height: 5ft 9" (175cm give or take)

Soon to be painted as well ^^


Fee Mini Portrait Repaint (Minor update: hair)

!Compression! Kill it with fire!! (by clicking)


August 5, 2009

A little bit of Colour - Bookbinding

Some old and new bookbinding samples.

Gloss Embossed
Soft cover book with embossed card cover.
The raised parts of the embossing are glossed (thus the name ^^).
Inside of the covers is neutral covered Lokta paper, good reinforcing too.
5 Signatures in white bond paper with yellow and orange pages randomly interspersed.
Binding thread is a cotton satin look gold thread in a long stitch with some crossing over of threads. :D
I'm still debating whether I should make this one saleable or not ^_^

Dark Gold
A soft cover book created for a friend.
Cover material is heavy, pearlescent, dark gold coloured card with textured lines.
Binding was done in bright blue cotton embroidery thread in a long stitch style.
5 signatures in alternating white bond paper and brown kraft paper.
Kraft paper is great to draw on :D
The spine is reinforced with another layer of the same cover card.
Little washi paper decoration on the cover to help with book orientation.

Rainbow in Pink
Soft cover crazy rainbow coloured longstitch book, for fun :D
Covers are bright pink with little raised leaf patterns.
25 signatures (2 sheets each) in rainbow colours, bound with waxed linen thread in white, nice and sturdy.
The cover is folded over twice for strength and I was able to make little pockets on the front and back covers for stashing away of mini documents or old crappy business cards XD lol.



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