August 18, 2009

Gold and Girl Book - a quick preview

Latest book I've been working on.
This one took me a little longer due to the drawing I added to the cover.

Do take a look at the full size image (click on it) for better detail.

The book is soft card cover with a reinforcement of a secondary inside cover of gold paper, same paper used for the cover drawing. The pages are thick, off-white paper, bordering on cardstock; really nice to draw or write on.
The book will come in a silk case, once I get it done lol.

The drawing itself was done in sepia pen which I moved around with a detail brush and a little water, to get that watercolour effect. Highlights were added in opaque white pencil.

Unfortunately, pearly gold paper doesn't photograph very well. Click to enlarge for a better view.



  1. The gold stands out so much against the white book and that binding looks very fancy!! She's stunning Vivi, I could really see a set of books like this one. I really hope you keep up with these books!


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