January 24, 2010

Daily 365 - Mini Recap

For those not following my other blog, it's guaranteed to be updated every day!

Day 1 - Valentines Printable
Day 2 - Bowl of Squid
Day 3 - The Purple Shoes
Day 4 - Repeating Vector Patterns
Day 5 - Melancholy Mermaid
Day 6 - Aged, Violet and Floral
Day 7 - Floral Portrait (my fave so far)

Check it out sometime, I tend to make a lot of things downloadable or printable on request.


January 22, 2010

Doodle Swap 2010 - First swap of the year!

Doodle Swap 2010 #4

"Water Lily"

"Little Branch"

"Leaf Blown"


"Ivory Lotus"




These were posted out a couple of days ago (I was a little late in finishing them, the technique I used was a little time consuming) for the Doodle Swap Project.
This is the second time I've participated and it's always a nice little refreshing change of artistic pace. Figured it would be ok to post these as no one really knows which one they're going to get.

I went with a flora theme this time. Nothing is actually a real plant though lol, they're all out of my imagination.

I used ball point pen, which I generally shy away from, but this time is was rather enjoyable and has opened up a new technique for me that I'll probably be using more often in the future.

p.s. Sorry about the terrible scans, a lot of detail was lost. Had to use parental's dinky scanner as mine is in the process of dying. Guaranteed they are much nicer in real life, dear recipients. :)


January 19, 2010

365 Days of Design

I'm committing to Smashing Mag's "Design Something Every Day" Challenge.
I've been sorely slacking off on my design and illustration work lately, so any motivation, especially something as fun as this, is well received.
Most people started on the 1st of Jan, I, as usual, was late to the party and have only started today... or yesterday if my clock is correct (which it is, it's past midnight and why am I not in bed yet??).

I've dedicated a blog to this most auspicious event: 365 Days of Vee

First post is up there already, a quick little vector intended as a Valentines card piece but which is now a printable for your personal use pleasure (just let me know if you'd like a higher res version).

And that, my dears, is the first blog post of 2010!! :D

Dearlawd, what am I getting myself in to! XD


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