May 21, 2009

Japanese Stab Bound Mothers Day Gift

A little late with the photos of this but I gave it to my mother right after I finished it, then realised I'd forgotten to take photo's of it. By the time I did remember, mum had already stashed it away where she hides all the random things I make her.

This past mother's day, I wanted to give mum something handmade. I decided on a Japanese stab bound book with vintage silk covers and silk thread for the binding. The signatures (the bundles of pages) consisted of off-white, acid free cartridge paper interspersed with earth toned sheets of handmade textured paper.
I wanted the whole thing to last a long time so I made sure everything I used was archival or acid free, including the paste.

The silk I used had a gorgeous embroidered chrysanthemum.

Mum, of course, loved it, even though it wasn't till after I gave it to her that, in my haste to get it done on time (it was still late by the way), I'd forgotten to add the endpapers... very much an F in book making there.
Still, she didn't want to give it back so I could add them, she said she loved the way it looked as it was, it gave it a more authentic 'handmade' feel.
Mothers. Gotta love them. XD


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