June 29, 2009

Not a Happy Little Book

The little Maroon Book that didn't want to be.
Kept throwing me curve balls at every corner.

Washi paper end papers.

Lays open nice and flat ^^

My next venture into bookbinding.
Though I'm happy with the colours and fabric choice for the cover, i'm not happy with how the sewing turned out. I refered to some instructions from a book I own and, apart from making the process much more complicated than I'm used to doing, the stitches came out slightly looser and look rather strange to me... :/

So this one gets put onto the 'practise' shelf.


June 26, 2009

Work is going... quietly.

Work was unbelievably quiet today (read: painfully boring) so I got to do a bit of sketching in Painter; haven't used it in ages, it was nice to crack it out again, even with my old 4x6 graphire.

Basically just messing about with shading and pose. Yeah, sorry bout the scratchy lines mess XD

Actually, I managed to do two sketches today but one is getting coloured so i'll post it within the next few days, work permitting.


June 21, 2009

Not Dead, just working

My family and I have been working round the clock to get a new business venture under way; a cafe!
So really, I'm not actually dead (though after this weekend, I think I'm starting to feel it) just been run off my feet somewhat ^^

This is our cafe! It's called, "La Chilena Cafe", after our native country. We sell coffee, empanadas, chilenitos (otherwise known as alfajores in other south american countries, though the recipe we use is different and definitely Chilean lol), homemade cakes, biscuits and other noms as we think them up. Yay! :D

And this is my designated little area :D
I make a mean latte, if I do say so myself 0_~

I have become quite the coffee snob because of this too lol, and I've also become waaaaay too fond of coffee.


June 7, 2009

June 5, 2009

Folding Folios For Fun and Recreation. Sort of.

Yesterday was probably one of the most emotionally draining, and some what shocking, days I've had in a long time. One I hope to forget asap.
Of course, on day's like that, managing to squeeze out something creative is like trying to make a pig fly so I opted for something mundane and cathartic but that still manages to fool me into thinking I've gotten something even vaguely 'creative' done.

I folded signatures.
Surprisingly good for keeping the mind off other not so nice issues.
Hopefully I'll be turning these into lovely little books sometime soon, I'm particularly looking forward to the big white signature there, that's getting leather bound if I have anything to do with it!
Well today I'm off to do some paper shopping, I have some wedding invitations to make. :)


June 3, 2009

Doodle Swap #2 2009 - Quick Peek

My doodles for Doodle Swap #2 - 2009 (and my first doodle swap) have been sent out today!
Here's a sneak peek:

And off they go!! :D

I only needed to make 6 this time around but I got carried away and ended up drawing 13, so I turned them into a series of ATC's. Number 13 is a little different, it's the big one at the top in the first photo, that one's a larger size and a little more finished.
If anyone is interested in a swap for some of the others, let me know. :)

I can't wait to start getting mine in the mail! Can't wait till my swapee's receive my doodles! XD


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