June 29, 2009

Not a Happy Little Book

The little Maroon Book that didn't want to be.
Kept throwing me curve balls at every corner.

Washi paper end papers.

Lays open nice and flat ^^

My next venture into bookbinding.
Though I'm happy with the colours and fabric choice for the cover, i'm not happy with how the sewing turned out. I refered to some instructions from a book I own and, apart from making the process much more complicated than I'm used to doing, the stitches came out slightly looser and look rather strange to me... :/

So this one gets put onto the 'practise' shelf.


1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, don't shelve him!! It looks to purdy to be hidden away! I'll take it off your hands and use it!! It seriously looks like a very pretty book; you're getting much better at this new interest of yours!


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