October 18, 2009

PE Fairytale Exchange

PE (private exchange group) 'Fairytale Exchange'.
Painting of Ary Makabe for Xanedrian. ^^
Image is based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale, The Wild Swans (one of my favs).

Clicking on the image is a must for detail. :P

Painted over a pencil sketch in Painter.
References for the swans used (duh, I'm not that good).
Lots of rather time consuming rendering but fun and relaxing change of pace for me lately.
The story this is based on can be found here: http://www.andersen.sdu.dk/vaerk/hersholt/TheWildSwans_e.htm

I'll be adding more close up and detail shots later this week, but for now it's 3am and I have to work tomorrow (today... in a few hours... x_x). G'night!



  1. That turned out gorgeous, Vee! Very melancholy and beautiful. I love those swans!

  2. HOLY CRAP!!! That's amazing Vivi!! So pretty and the dark colours are fantastic! I'm so glad you're back to doing such amazing detail work, it really brings a smile to my face and I so hope to see more!!


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