May 23, 2009

Finished 'Mum Book

As promised in the previous post, though a little later in the evening than anticipated.

Finishing up the binding and tying that badboy off!

Book photo!pr0n! XD

Little bit of scale, it's actually quite small and cute ^^

My only reall little issue with this book is that the bindings ended up slightly looser than I'd have liked, and the fact the covers are attached just by the tapes is a little disconcerting.
Still, I'm really happy with the colours and the visible threads look really pretty.
I've already started my next book project but since it's a little bit of a secret, I won't be able to show any progress photos until the very end.
Thanks for keeping up with my bookbinding shenanigans!



  1. Oh my goodness -- what a beautiful book!

  2. oooh your binding is brill!!! i only know one way and have always wanted to learn how you've done it!! you have inspired me :)


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